Artificial intelligence (AI) has empowered industries around the world, and has the potential to radically alter the field of Healthcare . Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a collection of technologies like Machine Learning , Deep Learning , Natural Language Processing (NLP) , Computer Vision etc. which are applicable in different sections of Healthcare.
AI for Microbiologists
APAS ( Automated Plate Assessment System ), the AI platform used for automated analysis of culture plates in lab testing. Usually , Clinical microbiologists manually read culture plates to test for infection out of which about 80 per cent of plates are negative . APAS can read a culture plate as efficiently as a microbiologist using machine learning , speeding up the entire process of lab testing .
AI for Brain-Computer Interfaces ( BCIs)
Neurological diseases and trauma to the nervous system can take away some patients’ abilities to speak, move, and interact meaningfully with people and their environments. Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) backed by artificial intelligence can improve quality of life for patients with ALS, strokes, or locked-in syndrome, as well as people with spinal cord injuries .
AI for Radiologists
AI imaging tools can diagnose diseases from x-rays and 3D MRI brain images . AI-based medical imaging relies on a vast supply of medical case data to train its algorithms to find patterns in images and identify specific anatomical markers. Through rigorous analysis of patterns in a given digital image, the imaging algorithms can derive metrics and output that complement the analyses made by the radiologist and spot details that are quite impossible to catch with a naked eye , thereby helping reduce error and malpractice costs.
AI for aged care
Paincheck , the app-based platform gauges pain levels for aged care residents by measuring changes in the face.
AI for Automated Administration
Applications such as 1Desk can coordinate the workflow between patients, insurance companies, hospitals, specialists and banks to keep human intervention to a bare minimum in the billing process. Streamlining the billing process may be one of the important benefits promised by the increasing use of AI in health care.
AI is helping health care providers devote more of their limited resources to the patient care that really matters.